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牛津版上海版六年级下册 Unit 9 Sea water andrain water 课件

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   6B Module 3 The natural world cook What do they need to do these things? have/take We need water to swim. drink. cook food. wash clothes. water plants. have a bath/shower. … How can we save water? Take a shower instead of a bath. by hands , not by washing machines You will hear some sentences next. Listen carefully and write down the missing words. Make a tick if it will save water and make a cross if it will waste water. A poem——Save water Water shortage(短缺) in Yunnan Discuss(讨论) in groups about more ways of saving water to help the people in Yunnan. Homework A. Copy the new words and phrases. B. Think about more ways to save water. C. Design a poster(设计海报)for next year’s World Water Day. * Unit 9 Sea water and rain water Period 3Listening, speaking and writing Save water wash swim water We need water to… a shower a bath Water is __________________to us.We can’t live_______ water.No water, no life! important/ useful… without water shortage 短缺,缺乏 water pollution 污染 Save water! Save water! 1.Use less water. 2.Don’t pollute water. 3.Don’t waste water. / / He is wasting water. tap He is brushing teeth under a running tap. a running tap Don’t brush teeth under a running tap. a dripping tap / / fix turn off waste a shower a bath Save water! 1.Use less water. Save water! Wash clothes by hands instead of washing machines. Save or waste? 1 Fix a______________. dripping tap 2 Wash ____________ under a __________ . vegetables running tap 3 dripping tap Turn off a _________ __________________. 4 Play _____________ games. water 5 Take a __________ instead of a ______. shower bath 6 Brush your _______ under a __________. teeth running tap Fix a dripping tap. Turn off a dripping tap. Take a shower instead of a bath. Three DOs Don’t play water games. Don’t wash vegetables under a running tap. Don’t brush your teeth under a running tap. Three DON’Ts fix a dripping tap We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. We can save water by not brushing our teeth under a running tap. turn off a dripping tap How can we save water? by not doing… We can save water by turning off a dripping tap. brush your teeth under a running tap by doing… brush your teeth under a running tap take a shower instead of a bath play water games turn off a dripping tap A: How can we save water? B: We can save water by (not) doing… brush your teeth under a running tap take a shower instead of a bath play water games turn off a dripping tap wash vegetables under a running tap fix a dripping tap A: How … ? B: … by (not) doing… A quiz about saving water You can save water by fixing a_____. a dripping tap b running tap c shower 1 You can save water by not_____. a turning off a dripping tap. b washing fruit under a running tap. c taking a shower. 2 Which can save water? a Turn off a dripping tap. b Brush teeth under a running tap. c Take a bath. 3 A quiz about saving water Which can’t save water? a Fix a dripping tap. b Play water games. c Take a shower 4 Taking a bath instead of a shower will _____. a save water b waste water c pollute water 5 Throwing rubbish into rivers will _____. a save water b waste water c pollute water 6 A quiz about saving water Save, save water Don’t waste water. Save, save water, Take a shower instead of a bath. Save, save water, Don’t play water games. Save, save water, Save water by fixing a dripping tap. Save, save water, Save water by turning off a dripping tap. Save, save water Save water by not brushing teeth under a running tap. Water is not our own. People in Yunnan are in heavy water shortage now. We should save water to help them have water to drink and to plant crops. 1. We can save water by _______(take) shorter showers. 2. We can save water by ___________(not leave) the tap running when we don’t need to use water. 3. We can save water by________ (use) a glass when we are brushing teeth. 4. We can save water by ______________(not pollute) water. 5. We can save water by _______ (reuse再利用) water. Ways of saving water taking not leaving reusing not polluting using Water is ______________to us. We can’t live__________ water. Everyone should save water. We can save water by _______________________. We can save water by not ____________________. We should__________ instead of ____________. No water, no life! Let’s save water! A discussion washing dishes under a running tap important without using used water to water plants save water wasting it *

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