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评论 加入收藏 错误报告 
     Module 2 My neibourhood

  Unit 4 Signs and rules


  Target language:

  1. hike

  2. in the countryside

  3. turn left

  4. a direction sign

  5. an information sign

  6. a warming sign

  7. an instruction sign

  8. mean-- meaning

  9. A: What does this sign mean?

  B: It means...

  A: What kind of sign is this?

  B: It is a/an__________ sign.


  I. Fill in the blanks:

  1. This is a _____________ sign, it tells us how and where to go.

  2. This is a _____________sign, it tells us things we must not do.

  3. This is an _____________sign, it tells us things we may want to know.

  4. This is an _____________sign, it tells us how to do something.

  II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words:

  1. They can see many _____________ (difference) signs in the park.

  2. Our teacher ______________ (warning) us not to play ball games in the corridor yesterday.

  3. Can you tell me the ____________ (mean) of this sign?

  4. Many American young people go ___________ (hike) on their holidays.

  5. We can store a lot of ______________ (inform) in our computer.

  6. At the _____________ (begin) of the lesson, the teacher told us a story.

  7. Though the old man was __________ (die), the doctor was trying his best to save him

  8. I saw a big dog ____________ (lie) in front of his house.

  III. Rewrite the sentences as required:

  1. It is a direction sign. (划线提问)


  2. This sign means: we must not leave rubbish. (划线提问)


  3. My father told me to do it by myself. (划线提问)



  Target language:

  1. know the meaning of the 20 signs.

  2. use --- useful / useless

  3. silence-silent -- silently

  4, keep quiet = keep silent

  5. go camping



  3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

  1.___________________________ 2. _____________________________

  3. ___________________________ 4.______________________________

  5.___________________________ 6. ______________________________

  7.___________________________ 8._______________________________

  9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

  9.__________________________ 10 _______________________________

  11._________________________ 12________________________________

  13._________________________ 14________________________________


  16 17. 18. 19.


  20 30 c







  Target language:

  1. play---player

  2. take turns

  3. roll the dice ,

  4. roll a six on the dice

  5. land on a sign

  6. miss a turn

  7. win the game ( win, won, won), winner

  8. good luck (luck- lucky, luckily, unlucky, unluckily)

  9. on a road

  10. at school


  I. Fill in blanks with the proper forms of the given words:

  1.Yao Ming is one of the most famous basketball ___________ (play) in the world.

  2. Each of the___________ (win)can get a prize.

  3. He got up late this morning, and ____________, he missed the train.

  4. We must keep ________________ (silence) in the library.

  5. We can find a lot of _______________ (use) information on the Internet.

  6. Shall go _____________ (camp) this Saturday?

  II. Cloze text

  Christmas Day is always on t________ same day every year - December 25. Everyone in England l__________ Christmas, but people often forget getting ready for Christmas for it is a hard work. There are so many t_______ for us to do.

  The f________ problem is you have to make sure that you have enough to eat and drink. People usually eat a big bird for Christmas dinner - a big turkey, for example, or a big duck. Also, you have to m________ a big Christmas cake. I usually make the Christmas cake i__________ November. A Christmas cake is full of f_______, with sugar on top. You need many other things for Christmas-nut

  Father usually buys the Christmas t________. He brings it home, and the children cover(覆盖) it with lights and put a star on top, so it looks really beautiful.

  Everyone gives each other presents for Christmas. We p _______ the presents on the floor under the tree on Christmas Eve, and open them on Christmas Day. Nobody can open their presents b___________ Christmas Day.


  1.John_______(work) all day yesterday.

  2.He __________(walk)home when it _______ (begin) to rain .

  3.-What ______ you _______(do)at ten o'clock yesterday﹖

  -I__________(read)magazines in the classroom.

  4.When Harry ___________(have)breakfast, Lily _______(telephone)him.

  5.When I __________ (go)to school this morning, I ______ (see)a car accident.

  6. This time yesterday Jack ___________ (mend) his bike.

  7. I __________ (write) a letter at ten last night.

  8. It was six. The Greens ______ (have) supper.

  9. When you ______ (knock) at the door yesterday, I ______ (do) some washing.

  10. While my mother _________ (watch) TV, I _________(make) a kite.

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