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高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 8《Information Age》ppt课件1

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   高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 8《Information Age》ppt课件1 16. Discuss and complete. Advantages Disadvantages It is interesting that ________ _______________________. What attracts me most is ___ _______________________. The stories of the games are _______________________________________________________________________________________________. The reason why I give up playing online games is _____ ________________________. That young kids spending too much time on the games is __ ________________________. What makes the parents worry a lot is ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________. (第二版) Dialogue__ 1. Listen and number. Dialogue__ Dialogue__ Dialogue__ A B C D A B B C D Tell the technician your phone number or your QQ number. 2. Listen and complete. 2 1 3 4 Write an e-mail to the after-sale service department. Find the website of the company. Communicate with the technician and follow his instruction. 3. Listen and complete. Fast Internet access E-mail Surf the web Download videos Watch films 4. Read and complete. W: M: W: M: W: M: I want to buy a computer. ______________________ OK. What are you going to use it for? Oh, I really want one for home use. The first thing you should think about is the processor. It is like the heart of the computer. __________________________________ Next is the RAM, which is its working memory. More capacity the RAM has, the more programs that a computer can run at a time. 4. Read and complete. W: M: W: M: W: __________________________________ If you are going to use the laptop for watching movies, a big screen is important. But if it’s meant for home use only, a smaller screen will do. I am studying on IT so I want to do some homework on it. _____________________ It’s OK. If you are into designing, you will want to look into what video card is installed in your laptop. Thank you. Joe and Lily are old friends. Both of them are interested in IT. And they are talking about the Internet. What can people do with the Internet? How does the Internet help people with their office work? How does the Internet influence people’s daily life? 5. Act and practice. Situation 5. Act and practice. There is something wrong with the fridge. Phone the after-sales service department of the company. There is some water inside the fridge. You should turn off the power. See the hole which is at the back of the fridge carefully. Find a tube. You should try to use the tube to make the hole clear. Turn on the power. Situation 6. Read and match. A. Sales Service of Nokia B. Advertisement of iPhone C. Learn to Use Your Computer D. eBay Fashion Gets a New Look E. User’s Guide _______________________ iPhone could do all sorts of things like making phone calls, surfing the Net, playing music and taking pictures. But the Apple Company has showed us the functions of it are endless. Here’s our list of eight cool things your iPhone can do for you. 1 A. Sales Service of Nokia

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