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高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 7《Traditions and Customs》ppt课件1

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   高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 7《Traditions and Customs》ppt课件1 16. Read and choose. 7) A. placed B. replaced C. moved D. took 8) A. As B. Since C. Now that D. Because 9) A. buy B. steal C. sell D. prepare 10) A. While B. When C. As D. Before In some areas of the country, costume parties have 7) ___________ trick-or-treating as the favorite form of Halloween entertainment. 8) _________ hosts of these parties often hold contests to select the best costume among the guests, the guest usually 9) _____________ their strange and surprising costume in order to win. 10) ___________ children’s Halloween parties are generally held in private homes, adults’ ones are usually held in bars. Dialogue__ 1. Listen and match. Dialogue__ Dialogue__ Dialogue__ A. Market. B. Shopping center.C. Gift shop. D. Online shop. A. Her husband. B. Her daughter. C. Her friends. D. Her sons. A. Clothes. B. Roller skates. C. Necklace. D. handbag. A. Over there. B. On the first floor. C. On the third floor. D. On the second floor. 2. Listen and choose. Where does Jack go to buy the Christmas gift? 1 For whom does Mary buy the gifts? 3 2 What will Jack buy for his wife? 4 3 Where will Mary buy the roller skates? 4 【  】 【  】 【  】 【  】 3. Listen and complete. Time: Purpose: Clothing: Activities: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ From December 26 to January 1 For good harvest Dressing in African clothing 1) Light the candle on the first day. 2) Dancing. 3) People get together with members of community. 4. Read and complete. M: W: M: W: M: Eva, ____________________ have kept you waiting. I was answering an important call. It’s alright. But ______________________ too. For what? I broke the vase on the coffee table when I moved the magazine. _________________. I never liked it anyway. A. I have to apologizeB. Don’t worry C. I’m willing toD. I’m sorry to E. That’s very kind of you 4. Read and complete. W: M: W: M: W: M: I’m sorry. But, if you don’t mind, ____________ buy a new one for you. That’s OK. What’s done is done. Would you like a cup of tea? Thank you. Actually, I brought Chinese tea for you today. ______________. You needn’t do that. It is nothing. Let’s enjoy the tea now. OK. A. I have to apologizeB. Don’t worry C. I’m willing toD. I’m sorry to E. That’s very kind of you Beth You meet your friend Tom who is from America. Talk about the differences of the holidays between the two countries. Christmas Time: December 25 Decoration: Christmas Tree Activity: go to church, hold a party Food: turkey Gift: chocolate, wine Spring Festival Time: 1st day of the 1st lunar month Decoration: red paper-cut Activity: light fireworks, visit friends Food: Jiaozi Gift: Pocket money 5. Act and practice. Situation 5. Act and practice. You are selecting

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